Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emily's Room

     View from the that butterfly mobile!

     Monogrammed "E" on brown canvas

So here are the first pictures of Emily's room. It's only of her crib and that side of her room. I actually am almost done cleaning and putting things away in there so I'll take more once I clean her changing table and clean it up a little more. I do have to say that it's hard to get motivated to do anything when you work 9 hours a day and then come home to a 4 year old who hasn't seen you all day and just wants to play and of course we just want to spend time with him. I am looking forward to being off from work and raising my babies. 

Emily's room theme is pink and brown with a touch of white butterflies. I really am pleased as to how it turned out and can't believe that we're having a girl and I got to decorate in girly colors. Rob is so excited to have a daughter and told me just today that he couldn't imagine having three boys, so with that said he can't wait to meet his new little girl!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Has it really been that long since I've posted something?

I can't believe it's been this long since I've posted something! It tells you how busy I am these days with trying to get ready for our new little punkin Emily and with taking care of our little munchkin we have now!'s hard work, but well worth it! We are busy trying to finish up Emily's room with what little spare time we have after work and on the weekends. Just waiting on the crib and for Robert to hang her curtains and we'll be good to go! 

So today I'm 34 weeks preggo! Can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I really am trying to enjoy her every movement and not be so impatient to get her here. I know that once she's here it will go by even faster. I see Ethan and how fast he's grown in the last four years and it breaks my heart, but as Rob always tells me, he can't be like Maggie Simpson and stay that little forever! I wen to the doctor on monday and everything is right on track with her. I don't go back again until June 1st and then I start my weekly appointments. He did tell me that if I'm already dialated a week before my due date he would "help" me along in the process if everything is still going right on track! That is music to a pregnant ladies ears, I love it. 

As always, I will try and do better at keeping this blog updated and post some pictures of Ethan and of course of Emily's room once it's finished, which will be when her crib gets here next Friday. Can hardly wait for that! 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally....we're all HEALTHY!

What a crazy month and a half  it's been in our household! All I can say is thank goodness everyone is FINALLY better (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood at this point). We have all had our fair share this winter of being sick and I absolutely don't wish it upon anyone. 

Back in November I had gotten a major sinus infection and when you're pregnant you hesitate to take anything, even when the doc says it's okay. I fought through it for about a month and finally caved into the antibiotics, which was better for me and the baby. It took sometime, but I finally started feeling better in January. By that time Ethan had gotten a major ear infection right before his birthday, of course! I was home with him for a few days and then low and behold Robert got sick! What started out as a cold turned worse after about a week, finally on a Friday night he decided he couldn't take it anymore and decided to drive himself to the emergency room. I couldn't believe that he was sick. While he was at the emergency room at about 11pm Ethan woke up and had thrown up ALL OVER his room and I do mean all over. I wanted to cry at this point. My husband was in the emergency room with what he thought was strep throat, my son had thrown up everywhere and was obviously really sick and I am 5 months pregnant and tired! Well my adrenaline had kicked in at this point and thank goodness for my mommy instincts, although I think I was lacking a little bit because I was so tired. Ethan's little bug lasted a few days and Robert had been diagnosed with a viral infection. So we just had to march on. Well, by the next weekend Ethan was throwing up again and worse than before and Robert was sicker than a dog, was this truly happening to us? Four days of Ethan throwing up was enough to send me into a major panic, but thank goodness that when we got to the doctors office they said he was on the mend and to give him a couple more days to get better. I ended up sending Robert back to his "normal" doctor and he had bronchitis, go figure that they miss diagnosed him in the emergency room. He started antibiotics immediately and started feeling better rather quickly. Good thing because he had to go to a work convention in Las Vegas in a week and would never of made it being that sick. Finally everyone was healthy and I felt like we could finally breathe a sigh of I thought! A few days after Robert was home from Vegas he had the flu and was throwing up! I just threw my arms up in the air and started spraying a whole can of Lysol around the house. I kept Ethan and myself away from him for a few days because I didn't want either one of us getting what he had! Now I can say that we are finally healthy and hopefully it will stay this way, especially with our little Emily on her way. 

Now that this nightmare is over I plan on posting more to our blog, especially since we're all healthy now (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood). I will be posting pics soon!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's a...

GIRL! We're going to have a baby girl! Can't even believe it. Most of you already know this because we've known for a few weeks now. It's been hard for me to sit down and keep this blog updated between working and taking care of the little one I already have I can hardly find time to just sit down and take a break. Oh well, I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I feel so blessed in my life and grateful for everyday that I get to spend with my family, even if Ethan doesn't want to take a nap today and he's in his bed crying because he's been up since 6am. I guess if that's the only road block to my day, then I'm doing pretty darn good. 
Rob and I are both excited that we're having a girl and that Emily Dina Hollis will be joining our family this summer. We can't wait to meet her, she's been a blessing already to us in so many ways. We've been busy getting her room painted and put together. As soon as it's finished I will post pictures. It's so much fun to be able to buy pink and different girly things, boy stuff is not as fun I have to say. Although, I wouldn't trade my precious boy for anything. I now feel like with the up coming addition of Emily to our family we will now be complete!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Mom, Dad and Ethan (loving the ice cream sundae for his birthday)

Daddy and Ethan for the Birthday dinner!

My crazy Birthday Boy...he's the light of my life!

Ethan's pre-school class singing Happy Birthday to him.

Ethan and his best friend Marcel

The perfect Batman cupcake, cake...he loved it.

I can't believe that my baby boy is four years old! It's crazy to think that I had him four years ago. He truly is a blessing in our lives and I feel so thankful that we have been blessed with such a wonderful little boy. He has changed so much in just a year that I wish time would slow down. I just want to wish my little boy the Happiest Birthday he could have and tell him how much mommy and daddy love him and enjoy every minute that we have with him. Here are a few pics of him celebrating his 4
th Birthday with his friends at school and then with Rob. me, Colby and my parents for his Birthday dinner at Red Robin. He was so funny at dinner because he was so bashful when they were singing the Happy Birthday song, but you could tell that he loved the attention and couldn't stop smiling. It truly was a wonderful day for him. 

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy...

What can I say...besides the fact that we've been so busy lately I've hardly had a chance to sit down and post an update. I really am going to try and be a little better about that. The last few weeks have been so crazy around our house. 

We had a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of family, good friends, and tasty food. We really enjoyed ourselves this year. It was probably the first year Ethan really got the whole Christmas experience and understood what Santa Claus was all about. He even sat on Santa's lap, which shocked both Rob and I both, he even spoke to Santa. Of course he couldn't wait for Christmas morning to get here and kept asking me every morning if Santa had come, starting two weeks before Christmas. Once he saw what was under the tree and that Santa had been here his eyes lit up and he couldn't believe it. It was so much fun and I can hardly wait for next Christmas when our new addition will be here. 

As for the baby, I'm now a little over 17 weeks. I'm feeling pretty good, considering I was a little sick the first few months, however am very thankful I wasn't as bad as what I was when I was pregnant with Ethan. It's really funny how those memories come back once you start to relive them over and over. We get to find out on Ethan's Birthday (January 26th) if we will get to decorate in pink or blue, either way I feel so blessed to be pregnant and having another little one that I will take whatever god has planned for us. Truly this baby is a blessing and will be such a wonderful addition to our family. Ethan did ask me the other day if he could have a baby sister and then get her a puppy dog... I think he really wants the puppy dog for himself.. We'll see how he reacts to a new baby, I'm hoping that he will be a good big brother and mommy's little helper. I am currently cleaning out the room that will be the baby's room. Once we find out the sex I will be enlisting my brother to come prime and paint. Unfortunately the room is fire engine red right now and has to be primed and then painted. Only one more week though and I won't have to look at that ugly color anymore! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

Here are a few pics from the wonderful snow fall that we had right before Christmas. Ethan really was into the snow and sledding this year and couldn't wait to get out to try out his new sled. So after taking 20 minutes to bundle him up in his 50 layers of clothing we headed out to look at Christmas lights and go sledding. Our neighborhood is so fun when it snows, everyone is out walking around holding there warm beverage of choice watching the kids have a blast. We even saw some adults and big kids out snowboarding down one of the hills...crazy! We had so much fun and couldn't wait to take Ethan out each day and night to go sledding because obviously when you live where we do you don't know how long the snow will last, but there were times when we didn't think it would ever stop snowing! I think the total snowfall at our house was 10 inches. It lasted up until right after Christmas and is finally gone, but winter has just started so the fun has just begun!